Wow. Okay, so... the news is out about me having a pitch meeting. got the exclusive and it got picked up by a lot of sci-fi and Trek news sites (a couple notable holdouts - perhaps waiting for more concrete confirmation before running the story).
In the meantime, in one week this new site already has a ton more views than the old site got in a year and a half! As of right now, it stands at about 265,000 page views from nearly 60,000 unique visitors. And over 3,000 survey entries! I'm going to crunch the numbers again soon, but last I checked, the survey results showed a 97% inclination to watch the show on broadcast or cable TV (and about a 91% inclination to watch it on a pay service like Netflix or Showtime). All of this really blows my mind...
And I got completely swamped with e-mails, survey results, feedback form entries, tweets, IMs, friend requests and interview requests. More than I was expecting, really. But, still, I was happy to get them all (even the critical ones). I love hearing everyone, especially those who have taken the time to really look over the concept and read the script! I've done my best to respond to every single one of them, accept every friend request and follow everyone back. All while on vacation with the family in Maui. I have a very understanding wife and patient family... :)
I've gotten some great suggestions and advice and general feedback. I plan on compiling some of it and putting up some choice quotes (anonymously). I was really struck by the diversity of people who wrote to me - from all parts of the world, different backgrounds and beliefs, different professions. It really shows how much Star Trek is still universally cherished. It makes me all the more passionate about doing anything I can to help it come back to TV.
I'll also compile a FAQ based on the most common questions I've gotten (no, it doesn't take place between TOS and TNG, it takes place 200+ years after Kirk's original 5 year mission, etc., etc.)
I also plan on putting up a blog post about how I came up with idea and how it's evolved over the years since I first started planning it in 1994 after TNG went off the air. It will be a bit embarrassing, but I hope some of you will find it interesting.
But first: super jetlagged from returning from vacation. Sleep first, work later.
In the meantime, in one week this new site already has a ton more views than the old site got in a year and a half! As of right now, it stands at about 265,000 page views from nearly 60,000 unique visitors. And over 3,000 survey entries! I'm going to crunch the numbers again soon, but last I checked, the survey results showed a 97% inclination to watch the show on broadcast or cable TV (and about a 91% inclination to watch it on a pay service like Netflix or Showtime). All of this really blows my mind...
And I got completely swamped with e-mails, survey results, feedback form entries, tweets, IMs, friend requests and interview requests. More than I was expecting, really. But, still, I was happy to get them all (even the critical ones). I love hearing everyone, especially those who have taken the time to really look over the concept and read the script! I've done my best to respond to every single one of them, accept every friend request and follow everyone back. All while on vacation with the family in Maui. I have a very understanding wife and patient family... :)
I've gotten some great suggestions and advice and general feedback. I plan on compiling some of it and putting up some choice quotes (anonymously). I was really struck by the diversity of people who wrote to me - from all parts of the world, different backgrounds and beliefs, different professions. It really shows how much Star Trek is still universally cherished. It makes me all the more passionate about doing anything I can to help it come back to TV.
I'll also compile a FAQ based on the most common questions I've gotten (no, it doesn't take place between TOS and TNG, it takes place 200+ years after Kirk's original 5 year mission, etc., etc.)
I also plan on putting up a blog post about how I came up with idea and how it's evolved over the years since I first started planning it in 1994 after TNG went off the air. It will be a bit embarrassing, but I hope some of you will find it interesting.
But first: super jetlagged from returning from vacation. Sleep first, work later.