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USS Enterprise
Perseus Class
Intergalactic Exploration Starship
Perseus Class
Intergalactic Exploration Starship

The Enterprise has a storied history in space exploration. The last Enterprise was destroyed in the Galactic War. Only now has a new one been constructed.
The ship has been designed for a long-range science and exploratory mission. While many ships during the Galactic War were build for combat, the NXA-1701 was intentionally designed from the ground up to be a science vessel and to look “friendly” for ambassadorial/first contact purposes.
The top of the primary hull is largely for crew quarters, recreation and quality of life amenities. Pools, botanical gardens, etc. There are be some large bay windows in some parts. The bridge is at the top. There is a central core that can be removed and replaced or upgraded.
The ship has been designed for a long-range science and exploratory mission. While many ships during the Galactic War were build for combat, the NXA-1701 was intentionally designed from the ground up to be a science vessel and to look “friendly” for ambassadorial/first contact purposes.
The top of the primary hull is largely for crew quarters, recreation and quality of life amenities. Pools, botanical gardens, etc. There are be some large bay windows in some parts. The bridge is at the top. There is a central core that can be removed and replaced or upgraded.
The bottom half of the primary hull is where all the mission-related equipment is. Sensors, mobile labs for loading into the EMEV, storage for field samples, etc. Large bay doors can open to let in very large objects if need be.
At the very bottom of the primary hull’s central core is the EMEV: Extended Mission Expeditionary Vehicle. This detaches from the ship and can land on any planet, hover in gas giant atmospheres, closely orbit stars or travel at warp 3 (it has fold-out nacelles). It can accommodate 20 personnel - typically 10-15 expeditionary specialists (scientists) as well as all their equipment. It also can accommodate a team of 5 Hazard Team members (specially cross-trained security specialists, their job is to secure the safety of the scientific team). It is both a long-term habitat and mobile lab (the equipment for the lab is swapped out on a mission-need basis).
The ring between the upper and lower halves of the primary hull has the weapons array, maneuvering engines and docking ports.
The neck between the primary and secondary hulls is mostly used for transportation, supply transfer and energy transfer.
The extremely powerful forward sensor array is in the front of the secondary hull.
The top of the secondary hull is almost entirely used by Engineering. The NXA-1701 houses a first of its kind “white hole” singularity drive the singularity drive, which is actually an artificial (or perhaps a captured, naturally occurring) white hole, not a black hole. Theoretical opposites of white holes. The idea is that the matter & energy that falls into a black hole may come out of a white hole somewhere else in the universe (on in another Universe). It would be a source of limitless free energy. However, housing one and keeping it stable and open and regulating its output could require complex technology and a very delicate balance. This makes the Enterprise 10x as efficient as the previous generation of starships. But it requires much more space and a spherical containment chamber to house the singularity - the top of which is visible at the top of the secondary hull. A ring runs around the top that is manned by engineers. This ring has bay windows that also provide them a view of the nacelles.
The bottom of the secondary hull is used for all the other support systems of the ship itself. Repair drones, waste reclamation, storage, equipment, etc. It also has a large bay door in the rear for loading/unloading supplies and Enterprise shuttles.
The nacelles themselves have iridescent blue Bussard ramscoops. Small spherical antimuon generators (which keep the Spacefold Tunnel stabilized) are atop each nacelle (and the bottom of the secondary hull). Nozzles at the rear reduce spatial drag and convert excess propulsion byproducts into harmless protomatter for clean exhaust and minimizing damage to spacetime.
The bottom of the secondary hull is used for all the other support systems of the ship itself. Repair drones, waste reclamation, storage, equipment, etc. It also has a large bay door in the rear for loading/unloading supplies and Enterprise shuttles.
The nacelles themselves have iridescent blue Bussard ramscoops. Small spherical antimuon generators (which keep the Spacefold Tunnel stabilized) are atop each nacelle (and the bottom of the secondary hull). Nozzles at the rear reduce spatial drag and convert excess propulsion byproducts into harmless protomatter for clean exhaust and minimizing damage to spacetime.
Advances in automation, robot and drone technology and replicator storage has allowed for much smaller crews than before. Whereas the Enterprise D had over 1000 crew members, the new Enterprise has only 350, about a third of the crew. Many tasks that required manual performance are now automated or performed by specialized robots or drones under the direction of a supervising crew member.
In addition, cargo is now stored in replicators, saving valuable space in the secondary hull.
All of this allows for much more room for technology on the ship. Replicator buffers, transporters, computer cores, spacious crew quarters, recreational areas, a botanical garden, a large medical facility, holosuites, etc.
In addition, the technology required for both the jump to Andromeda as well as months of operating in Andromeda without supplies requires a large amount of storage space on the ship for fuel and engine technology.
Overall, the ship is appreciably larger than the original Enterprise, but smaller than some of the later ships that came off the line.
In addition, cargo is now stored in replicators, saving valuable space in the secondary hull.
All of this allows for much more room for technology on the ship. Replicator buffers, transporters, computer cores, spacious crew quarters, recreational areas, a botanical garden, a large medical facility, holosuites, etc.
In addition, the technology required for both the jump to Andromeda as well as months of operating in Andromeda without supplies requires a large amount of storage space on the ship for fuel and engine technology.
Overall, the ship is appreciably larger than the original Enterprise, but smaller than some of the later ships that came off the line.
USS Enterprise model and renders by Ryan Butts